Important Qualities and Types for Software Architects

Moussa Jabateh
4 min readJun 5, 2022

Moussa Jabateh

Alongside having the right training, software architects must have certain skills that will make them successful in their job. This is an inventory of “soft capabilities” which are non-technical abilities that relate to the way you can do your job which is essential for the position of a software architect.

Analytical abilities

As an architect of software, analytical skills are crucial. Architects who work with software should be able to assess the requirements of users and develop software that is able to satisfy those requirements. Thinking about issues critically and analyzing them in a way that is analytical is essential for the job of an architect of software.

The ability to be creative

Being creative is equally important and as important to be analytical for the job of an architect for software. Software architects should be innovative in their approach to designing. They should be able to tackle issues and improve the software by being innovative.

Specific orientation

Being highly organized and focused are key characteristics of software developers. Because their work demands an amount of focus ability to pay attention to details assists professionals in their role as software developers and architects. Being detail-oriented means that software developers can pay attention to the small details while testing software and troubleshooting problems.

Effective communication abilities

Since the role of a software architect demands the ability to build teams communicating effectively is crucial. Software architects should be able of providing clear directions and instructions for team members. In the event of a problem in the software architecture, the architect must be able to communicate the problem to:

  • colleagues
  • Administration
  • Customers

In the same way, they have to develop solutions that all involved can be able to comprehend. The software architect must be able of explaining technical aspects to non-technical users, for example, customers or clients. The ability to communicate effectively can help one successfully fulfill the job of a software architect according to the Moussa Jabateh

Personal skills

Similar to communication abilities having solid interpersonal skills can help an individual be able to work in a team to solve problems and be a part of the team. The interpersonal skills of software architects can work with other people when it comes to solving problems or solving problems. In order to come up with feasible strategies, software architects need to be able to communicate with their colleagues. Good interpersonal skill is helpful in this regard.

Skills to solve problems Alongside interpersonal and communication skills the ability to solve problems is crucial for the successful career of a software engineer. Since this position develops and develops software from the beginning to the end software architects should be able to resolve issues and problems that occur. Throughout the entire design, process architects have to be troubleshooting and anticipating problems. The ability to solve problems helps in the design process.

A computer architect to answer our FAQ about the best Degree to become a Software Architect

The types of software Architects and developers

There are many different kinds of software developers and architects employed in various fields. These are examples of roles for software architects:

Applications software developers and architects

Application software architects create software programs, like games that are offered to the general population. They also design customized software for particular customers or for commercial use.

Engineers from software

The job of an engineer in software is to provide a broad perspective of the software requirements and system for the project, determine the scope of the project, and then plan the tasks required to execute the software. Software engineers may collaborate directly with:

  • Software designers and developers
  • Quality assurance analysts
  • Testers

In most cases, prior experience and expertise in software engineering are needed.

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Software architects for Systems

Software architects for systems are accountable for the creation of operating systems that are suitable for the general public or for an organization. They can design interfaces that let users interact with computers or design operating systems that allow computers to continue running on mobile phones as well as vehicles. Systems software architects usually oversee projects from beginning to end.

While other software architect positions exist, those listed below are among the more popular job opportunities in the industry. Many software developers, software architects testers, testers, and quality assurance analysts are employed all time. It is not uncommon to be asked to work extra hours during various times of the year or when projects demand strict deadlines to be met. Software architects typically work longer than the typical forty-hour work week.

Moussa Jabateh Software Architects software developers software engineer




Moussa Jabateh

Moussa Jabateh is a technical architect with industry experience managing the development, implementation and delivery of product solutions.